
The 总统学生领导学院 (PSLA) is a program designed to help students develop their leadership skills and appreciate our nation’s cultures and history.

通过一系列的活动, you will eng年龄 in personal and professional leadership development to help prepare you for future higher education and career endeavors.

有问题? 电子邮件: psl-academy@perfumesnarovi.com.


欢迎访问总统学生领导学院网页. 我很高兴你能来, 我为这个项目感到骄傲, and hope that you will seriously consider applying for this unique opportunity to experience and learn about leadership in this ever-changing and demanding world. As you might have heard me say over these past few years, “Leadership matters!无论你是学生社团还是荣誉社团的一员, 运动队, 一间教室, 志愿者组织, 或者大学社区, leadership determines the quality and values that drive the mission and accomplishments of that group. 当你从特拉华理工大学毕业的时候, leadership will determine the quality and values of your work experience, 你的生活质量, 以及我们留给未来的世界. The goal of this program is to help you prepare for those opportunities.

马克T. 布雷纳德,总统.

通过接下来几个月的一系列活动——阅读, 讨论组, 写反思, 华盛顿之旅, D.C., and capstone meeting – we will explore themes such as self-awareness, 同理心, 仆人领导, 同情, critical thinking and the role of history in our present-day decision making. To lead these activities and provide participants with a meaningful, 高品质的领导经验, I will be joined by members of the College’s senior administrative team in the weeks ahead to personally convene and facilitate.

There is no question that leadership involves having talent and expertise in one’s career endeavors, 但还有更多. And we are going to tap into some of the “more” during our weeks together. 如果你被选中参加, I am confident that the PSLA will eng年龄 you in very memorable ways to increase your knowledge of this very important topic, while also expanding your view of national history and cultural awareness, 这些都是为了影响你成长为未来的领导者.



  1. 有良好的学术成绩.5+ GPA优先),在特拉华理工大学修满12+学分
  2. Be registered in spring 2024 classes unless graduated in the previous summer or 秋天 semesters
  3. Complete an application to the 总统学生领导学院 by 
  4. 参加选拔委员会的面试
  5. Commit to participation in all activities associated with the Academy


What will you experience as a member of the 总统学生领导学院?

  • Opportunities to build relationships with Delaware Tech administrators and other student leaders
  • 华盛顿之旅.C. 参观博物馆和探索国家广场
  • 参加领导小组会议, 书反射, 文章讨论精选, 以及本学期的演讲嘉宾


活动 时间轴
申请期已开始 2023年10月2日- 2024年1月1日
被通知资格/后续步骤的学生 2024年1月10日那一周
访谈 2024年1月17日至23日
通知录取学生 2024年1月24日
接书 2024年2月5日- 9日
启动会议/书籍反思 2024年2月23日,下午1点至3:30.m.
地点:多佛, Del-One会议中心
书籍反思II 2024年3月15日,下午1点至3:30.m.
地点:每个校区的HyFlex房间(多佛 - SET 337), 乔治敦- CPC 530, 斯坦顿- a212, 威尔明顿- W466)
书籍反思三 2024年4月19日下午1点至3:30.m.
地点:每个校区的HyFlex房间(多佛 - SET 337), 乔治敦- CPC 530, 斯坦顿- a212, 威尔明顿- W466)
华盛顿特区.C. 天的行程 2024年5月3日7点.m. - 8 p.m.
顶石午宴 & 奖 2024年5月17日上午11:30.m. - 2:30 p.m.
地点:多佛, Del-One会议中心


An aerial view of the mall in 华盛顿DC from behind the Lincoln Memorial with the memorial in the foreground and the Washington Monument and Capitol Building in the background


PSLA接受的会员必须阅读 穿条纹睡衣的男孩 并参加领导会议和书籍反思. The novel tells a story about an unlikely friendship that forms between two boys during World War II in Central Europe. Readers explore several real-life lessons and themes focused on friendship, 人类, 同情, 偏见, 和顺从.

华盛顿D.C. 旅行的概述

学生们将参观华盛顿特区.C. 参加一系列的活动和参观国家地标. 更多细节将在春季提供.


The PSLA is a competitive program, and space is limited with only 25 spots available.

A committee comprised of Delaware Tech administrators will review the applications and select eligible students to participate in group interviews. Based upon the review of applications, a committee will select a maximum of 25 students. The committee will select participants based on their potential and desire to develop into a leader at Delaware Tech and in their community. Students will be notified about acceptance through their Delaware Tech email account.

The cost of the program is free for students participating in the program. 学院将负担材料费和差旅费.


  1. 有良好的学术成绩.5+ GPA优先),在特拉华理工大学修满12+学分
  2. Be registered in spring 2024 classes unless graduated in the previous summer or 秋天 semesters
  3. Complete an application to the 总统学生领导学院 by January 1, 2024
  4. 参加选拔委员会的面试
  5. Commit to participation in all activities associated with the Academy

是的, 本学年(夏季)毕业的学生, 秋天, 和春季学期)都有资格参加.

PSLA包括领导小组会议, 书反射, 和活动, 包括去华盛顿的旅行, D.C. 还有一次顶点会议. Participants should plan to spend about 3-5 hours a week to complete assigned readings and leadership group meetings and 书反射. 参与者还必须能够参加这两项活动. Details for all required meetings 和活动 are located on the PSLA website.

是的, PSLA participants are required to attend all sessions (see schedule) to be eligible for graduation. An excused absence for extenuating circumstances must have prior written approval by the PSLA facilitator; the request must be made in writing to psl-academy@perfumesnarovi.com.

在参加这个项目之前, participants should confirm availability to participate in all mandatory meetings 和活动.

这次华盛顿之行.C. 将涵盖诸如多样性之类的概念, 多元文化主义, and social justice that will be explored through participation in museum and historical visits. 旅费和餐费由该计划支付. 如果您有兴趣购买礼品店的物品或其他物品, 请带额外的零用钱. 穿着商务休闲装.

Participants who complete all the requirements will be recognized at the capstone luncheon with Delaware Tech administrators and receive a “Y” grade on their transcript showing successful completion of the academy.

Participants will be required to complete an exit survey after the capstone meeting.